
Head  LELUTKA  Avalon Head 3.1 Evolution

Body :LEGACY classic 1.4

Shape and Skin  : Birth -  'UNA' Lelutka EvoX BOM (tone 03) @mainstore

Body Applier: Birth -  Legacy Body BOM Applier (tone 03)

Hair: {Limerence} - Jolie special for  @FaMESHed 

Outfit: MeHoney - Cassandra   @LEVEL event

Pose: BERAS - Elin pack  (POSE 04)  @SHINY SHABBY

Backdrop: SINNERGY -  Garden Sunrise Backdrop @mainstore

Outfit: Apple Blossom - Scrunchies @kustom9

Tattoo: BE MINE - Old skull and roses tattoo

Acessories: [Chris Two Designer] - Ben's Monarch Butterfly  @Equal10 

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